Yesterday I shall congrate to those smart day traders who are able to strike on the equity market once again.
Just less than 2 weeks since last Sept 18, we are again experiencing another market biggest free fall & then bounce back in a day.
If you are experience enough & like many smart day traders, I am sure you will not miss this time round the gloden opportunity for long, am i right ?
I dont practise day trader method that often, yet still quick enough to pick Noble Group for long at $1.15. See chart above. The only thing that not satify me is i sold it too early at 1.23. Base on my TA, i am expecting this stock shall moves up to the range of $1.31 - $1.34 in about 2 days time. Somehow this counter prove me wrong, they are quick enough to achieve my target price just within a day. On the other hand, i shall be gladful that stocks i pick can usually achieve up to 10% profit margin & more if i got the patient to wait. By all mean there is no such "if" in the stock market, is either you know or you dont know, Ha....Ha...!
How about the following days this week ? My preference is to go for long than short. Now a day traders shall be flexible enough & have a quick mind change decision to code with this crasy market flutation.
Investor who think they cant code with the high presuure market are not advisable to trade during this period cause it is too harmful for health. Just a joke, I heard some long term investors who are prefer to play golf than involving themself in the equity market, smart move !
Happy Holiday !!